Regulating climate change, human health, human genome, circular economy, pandemics, nanoscience, sus- tainable development, food safety and security would not be possible without objective and scientifically sound information. In these science-based areas, scientific arguments and proceedings have often been a way to achieve political agreements in practice (norms and standards). However, in recent times, sound science data has been put in doubt. This is partly caused by the diversity of sources and ideology of scientific information. Since the role of science in policymaking and public administration is under fire domestically and internationally and scientific data are relativized in the post-truth era, the very foundations of rule of law are undermined. Along with this necessity to reassess the importance of evidence-based legislation, citizens should be a part of and brought back into the policy process. Inclusive public engagement is therefore not only pivotal to guarantee the legitimacy and legitimization of policy, but also to align science and technology progress to society’s needs. Laws, regulations and policies could bring alignments between the scientific community, policymakers and citizens by providing a framework aimed at increasing trust between them. This is particularly relevant in the areas of energy, environment and, climate.
The abundance of natural resources in the Appalachian region coupled with federal and state level incentives for energy companies bring positive spillovers not only with regards to job creation, but also energy transition. Particular attention will be paid, in this conference, to case studies in the US (including, but not limited to, West Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Kentucky and Tennessee)and to the identification of different answers in the energy field between the state and federal levels. In addressing energy, a multiscalar and multilevel perspective is essential to better grasp the peculiarities of energy policy. Because of the transnational nature of the environmental crises, the geographical coverage of the conference is however not limited to the US. Multilateral, regional, state, and city responses help to better design and formulate national energy policy. Therefore, we strongly encourage submissions that focus on national and local experiences inside and outside of the US. European Countries are also addressing similar issues as the US such as inadequacies of the national grid for integrating renewables and for power distribution, energy diversification of the national portfolio and increasing energy security. As an example, article 194 TFUE is focused on ensuring the functioning of the market and the security of supply, promoting efficiency and the inter-connection of energy networks.
Any paper submission on the experiences from Global South countries would be also an asset. Considering the challenges of environmental degradation, the mainstreaming of scientifically dubious approaches to energy and environmental policy, the worsening of climate conditions, and the increasing participation of concerned citizens in environmental protests and movements, the conference will focus on energy, environment and climate and encourages different perspectives on these topics. One of these perspective research areas, Science, Technology, and Society, in fact, involves different disciplines and expertise including public policy, public administration, geography, sociology, anthropology, history, political philosophy, law (including comparative and international law), communication, as well as other disciplines in humanities, social sciences and sciences disciplines.
I. Public Engagement in Science for Energy Transition
Promoting an energy transition that works for all depends upon shared prosperity, sound science and the development of appropriate technology that is clean, affordable and sustainable. What is the role of public engagement in science in advancing energy transition? Science can serve as a means to enhance the understanding of citizens, shape social debate, inform public policy and implement policies for the purposes of sustainable development. Yet, the role of science in policymaking and industrial decision-making for promoting energy transitions is under fire domestically and internationally. Not only is evidence-based science necessary for law and policy, but also for the public to be able to actively participate in scientific inquiry and shape the policy process. Inclusive public engagement in science for energy transition is therefore not only pivotal to guarantee the legitimacy and legitimization of future energy policy, but also to align science and technology to society’s needs.
II. Investment, Innovation and Intellectual Property in a Global Energy Transition
Corporate investment in research and development of renewable and other energy transition technologies depends a great deal upon regulatory frameworks and intellectual property regimes that protect innovation in the energy sector. Global competition in this sector has raised complex national and transnational legal challenges in the protection of creative research and technology development. Big data's, and other emerging technologies, role in the environmental field remain underexamined in literature and require further research. These technologies have the potential to play an important role in the global energy transition.
III. Affordability, Commoning and Innovation in the Regional Energy Transition
Energy transition is often envisaged as a global affair. International treaties, national investments, and global corporate actors dominate the news headlines. Energy transition has so far been framed as a task in the hands of private businesses. Indeed, energy transitions will take shape through regional, municipal and other local implementation efforts. By doing so, positive trickle down effects could be gained along with a better alignment with local people's needs and priorities. Over the next few years, we are likely to find more and more renewable energy transition initiatives led by cities, counties and even regional development actors. What we really need is a shift in the perspective by looking at ways to understand the transition as a common good of humanity at the service of the local.
The international conference will follow an hybrid format. It is organized by three core themes, divided in three 2-days events, to facilitate the participation of speakers from around the world. On April 27 and 28, 2022 the conference will be held both in person at West Virginia University, Morgantown, USA and online with an hybrid format. The May and June dates will be fully online.
Applications should be submitted via the following Google Form ( by March 25, 2022. The abstract submitted after the deadline will be assessed on a rolling basis. If you need any information, please contact the Conference Chair at the following email address:
Please include the following information in the google form:
This call is open to all senior and junior academics, as well as, business professionals and practitioners who are members of international organizations or NGOs that work in these areas.
The organizers plan to publish papers that are presented, in a format to be discussed at the time of the conference. However, potential options that the organizers envisage include the publishing of a book collection book collection in the Palgrave MacMillan (Spring Nature, Switzerland) multidisciplinary gLAWcal book series on “Global Issues", or a special issue/symposium in relevant peer-reviewed SSCI or US Journals.
West Virginia University (WVU), Eberly College of Arts and Sciences, Rockefeller School of Policy and Politics, Department of Public Administration
The international conference is organized by the Rockefeller School of Policy and Politics, Department of Public Administration of West Virginia University, USA.
The event is in collaboration with the WVU Center for Resilient Communities (CRC), the WVU Eberly College Interdisciplinary Research Collaborative on Global Challenges and Local Response Initiatives & WVU Eberly College Interdisciplinary Research Collaborative on Climate, the American Society of International Law (ASIL) Interest Group on International Environmental Law and Interest Group on Intellectual Property Law, and gLAWcal - Global Law Initiatives for Sustainable Development, UK.