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Second International Conference Consumer Policy in China: New Trends and Challenges

6-7 December 2016

Faculty of Law of the University of Macau (Macau, China)

I. The Theme

China’ 12th Five-Year Plan shifted the strategy from export-led growth to one that focuses more on

II. Topics

The organizing committee welcomes proposals on any topic relating to consumer policy in China. Subjectareas may include, but are not limited to, the following:

a) Access to water and food

b) Product safety

c) Services of General Economic Interest

d) Environmental protection

e) E-commerce

f) Trade, Investment, and Consumer Protection

g) Healthcare and Patients’ Rights

h) Resolution of Consumer Disputes

III. Submission Guidelines

Abstracts in English should be no more than 800 words long and contain the name, institutional

IV. Publication

The organizers have publication plans for the presented papers. The precise format of publication will bediscussed during the conference. Therefore, all selected contributions must be original and not publishedelsewhere. Selected presenters will be required to submit full papers by 31 March 2017.

V. Organizing Committee

Fernando Dias Simões (University of Macau)

Paolo Davide Farah (West Virginia University & gLAWcal – Global Law Initiatives for SustainableDevelopment, UK)

Julien Chaisse (Chinese University of Hong Kong)

Muruga Perumal Ramaswamy (University of Macau)

This conference is part of the research project led by Professor Fernando Dias Simões entitled ‘Consumer Policy in China: Protecting the Citizens, Strengthening the Domestic Market and Building an Ecological Civilization’ 

(ResearchProject funded by the University of Macau, Project Reference MYRG2015-00219-FLL).
