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Programme International Workshop

6 APRIL 2019 - H. 09:00 - 17:30

the University of Cologne, Germany

09:00 - Registration

09:30 - Welcoming Speech and Introduction of the Environmental Law Center at the University of Cologne - Kirk W. Junker (Chair, US Law;  Director of International Master of Environmental Sciences Programme, University of Cologne, Germany)

09:45 - Welcoming Speech and Introduction to gLAWcal - Global Law Initiatives for Sustainable Development (UK), ESIL and ASIL - Paolo Davide Farah (West Virginia University, USA and gLAWcal - Global Law Initiatives for Sustainable Development,UK & ESIL Board Member and Convener of the ESIL IG on International Environmental Law)

10:00 – Managing Environmental Risk in Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects in Nigeria - George Nwangwu (Former PPP Coordinator,Federal Ministry of Finance, Nigeria)

10:20 – Energy Community Contracting State’s Role in Building EU’s Envisioned Sustainable Future - Tamuna Beridze (University of Vienna and Energy Community Secretariat, Legal Unit, Vienna,Austria)

10:40 – Environmental Democracy for All: Potential of Environmental Procedural Rights for the Green Empowerment - Marek Prityi (University of Cologne, Germany and gLAWcal - Global Law Initiatives for Sustainable Development, UK)

11:00 Discussion

11:30 Coffee Break

11:50 – International Development Law and its green credentials - Chamundeeswari Kuppuswamy (University of Hertfordshire, Law School, UK)

12:10 - Environmental Hazards in prisons and human rights violations:a case study of Presidio Central prison, Brazil - Daniel Neves Pereira & Stella Emery Santana (State Judiciary, Brazil & Robert H. McKinney School of Law, Indiana University, Indianapolis, USA)

12:30 - Discussion

13:00 - Lunch Break

14:00 – Transformation of SDGs in ASEAN, CARICOM and African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States: Vertical effects, contested indicators and interlinkages for the formation of Environmental law - Winfried Huck (European and International Economic Law, Brunswick EuropeanLaw School (BELS), Germany and Chinese-German College (CDHK), TongjiUniversity, Shanghai, China)

14:20 – The Use of Domestic Taxation Legislation in the Implementation of the Paris Agreement - Mrinalini Shinde (UN Climate Change Secretariat)

14:40 – Behavioral analysis of international law: the case of environmental impact assessmentsEva van der Zee (Hamburg University, Institute of Law and Economics, Germany)

15:00 – discussion

15:20 – coffee break

15:40 – Regional Overview Systems to Mitigate Trans Infrastructure Mega Project Impacts: Focus on Mongolia - Sanchir Jargalsaikhan (University of College of London, UK)

16:00 – Clean Industry Promotion along the Belt and Road Initiative: Between National Interests and Environmental Protection - Paolo Davide Farah (West Virginia University, John D. Rockefeller IV School of Policy and Politics, USA & gLAWcal - Global Law Initiatives for Sustainable Development, UK)

16:20 – Managing Environmental Impact of Mega Projects: The Nigerian Perspective - Chidebe Matthew Nwankwo & George Nwangwu (Lecturerin Law, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus)

16:40 – discussion

17:00 – final remarks


Neuer Senatssaal, Main Building, University of Cologne Albertus-Magnus-Platz, 50932 Köln, Germany


Paolo Davide Farah (West Virginia University, USA and gLAWcal - Global Law Initiatives for Sustainable Development,UK & ESIL Board Member and Convener of the ESIL IG on International Environmental Law)

Kirk W. Junker (Chair, US Law; Director of International Master of Environmental Sciences Programme, University of Cologne, Germany)


The organizers have publication plans for the presented papers. The precise format of publication will be discussed during the workshop. The Organizers envisage to publish a Book collection (Edited by Kirk W. Junker and Paolo Davide Farah) in the Routledge Publishing (New-York/London) multidisciplinary gLAWcal book series on “Transnational Law and Governance” or in HEE -Journal - The Journal of Health, Environment, & Education : An International Online Journal or other equally relevant SSCI or US Law journals.


The workshop is jointly organized by the Environmental Law Center of University of Cologne (Germany), gLAWcal – Global Law Initiatives for Sustainable Development (United Kingdom), the European Society of International Law (ESIL) Interest Group on International Environmental Law and the American Society of International Law (ASIL) Interest Group on Intellectual Property Law.
