Dr. Tina Hunter, Director, the Aberdeen University Centre for Energy Law. Expert, Energy and Petroleum Law, regulation of shale gas activities and tracking Author, Assessment of tracking regulation in Western Australia
Dr. Alexandra Harrington Lead Counsel, Centre for International Sustainable Development Law Consultant. Commission for Environmental Cooperation of the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation. and for the United Nations Environment Programme Member,International Law Association Committee on the Role of International Law in Sustainable Natural Resources Management for Development
Prof. Paolo Farah, West Virginia University, John D. Rockefeller IV School of Policy and Politics and College of Law, Center for Innovation in Gas Research and Utilization (CIGRU) and Institute of Water Security and Science (IWSS), USA gLAWcal - Global Law Initiatives for Sustainable Development, United Kingdom
Eng. Edward Tovar Artunduaga, Manager, Non-Conventional Reservoir Projects, Ecopetrol
Carolina Urrutia Director, Semana Sostenible
Dr.German Andrade Expert, Environmental Science Policy and member of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and EcoSystemic Services, Professor.School of Management at Los Andes University
Dr.Bart van Hoof, Expert, Industrial Engineering Director, Sustainable Companies Programme and Sustainable Agro-Business Model Former Director, Environmental Performance at Ecopetrol Professor, School of Managementat Los Andes University
Jose Zapata, Partner, Holland & Knight, practicing in areas such as environmental rights, energy law and natural resources in Colombia for over 20 years
Marfa del Pilar Vanegas de Guzman President, International Law Association of Colombia, Member, International Law Association Committee on the Role of International Law in Sustainable Natural Resources Management for Development