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9.00 - 9.15

Welcoming Remarks by Paolo Davide Farah (West Virginia University, USA & gLAWcal - Global Law Initiatives for Sustainable Development, UK) –ESIL Board Member & Convener of the ESIL Interest Group on International Environmental Law & Justo Corti Varela (UNED International Public Law Department, Madrid, Spain) - Convener ESIL Interest Group on International Bio Law

9.15 – 10.45

1st Panel: Precautionary Principle and Post-truth

Chair and Discussant: Justo Corti Varela

•“Human Rights and the Environment: The Role of Science and the Precautionary Principle“ Farah, Paolo D. (West Virginia University, USA & gLAWcal - Global Law Initiatives for Sustainable Development, UK)

• “Precautionary Principle as a Safeguard for Sustainable Development under WTO Law and Law of the Eurasian Economic Union” Boklan, Daria (National Research University Higher School of Economics - Moscow, Russia)

•“The Precautionary Principle under EU law: a “Post-Modern” Principle in a “Post-Truth” Era” Donati, Alessandra (Max Planck Institute for international, European and regulatory procedural law, Luxembourg)

10.45 – 11.15

Coffee Break

11.15 – 13.05

2nd Panel: Evidence and facts

Chair and Discussant: Paolo D. Farah

•“Evidence-Based International Law: the Case of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control“ Melillo, Margherita (European University Institute (EUI), Florence, Italy)

•“Facts Are the Moveable Furniture of the Legal Mind, Not the Stones of Science” Junker, Kirk W. (University of Cologne, Germany)

•“Procedural Versus Substantive Approaches to Scientific Evidence in the Opinions of Advocates-General” Burke, Ciarán & Molitorisová, Alexandra (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany)

•“Precautionary Principle and the Burden of Proof in International Courts” Justo Corti Varela (UNED, Spain)

13.05– 14:15


14:15 – 15.45

3rd Panel: Decision making

Chair and Discussant: Chamundeeswari Kuppuswamy

•“The Procedural Standardization of the Interface Between Science and Policy in the Biodiversity Regimes: Harmonizing the Way of “Science Speaks to Power”  Futhazar, Guillaume (Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Germany)

•“Controlled and Uncontrolled Emerging [Bio]technologies: Structuring the Science-Based Decision-Making Process in Environmental Law” Koskina, Anthi (Collège IdEF-Université Paris XIII - Research Associate, National& Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece)

15:45 – 17.15

4th Panel: Democracy and ethical aspects

Chair and Discussant: Daria S. Boklan

•“Smartphone Applications - a Development or a Threat for the Democratic Process?” Vukovich, Lilla & Stojanoski, Mihail (Center for International Intellectual Property Studies - University of Strasbourg, France)

•Engineering Biological Diversity: Biotechnological Interventions, Gene Drives, and International Law” Reynolds, Jesse (University of California, Los Angeles School of Law, USA)

•“How a National Regulator of Assisted Reproduction Assesses the Soundness of Science to Inform and Advise on Reactive and Proactive Regulatory Change”  Hobcraft, Gemma (St Mary’s University, London,UK)

•“Consciencious Objection: Sound Science Freedom at Stake”  Quirós Fons , Antonio (Universidad Europea de Valencia, Spain)

17.15 – 17.30

Coffee Break

17.30 – 18.45

5th Panel: New sectors and the future…

Chair and Discussant: Paolo D. Farah

•“Sound-Science Based Regulation: Exploring the Links Between Environmental Law and Animal Welfare” Olmos Giupponi, Belén (Kingston University London, UK)

•”The Importance of Data for the Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 on Land and the Environment: A Case in Rural South India.” Kuppuswamy, Chamundeeswari (University of Hertfordshire, UK)  

18.45 – 19.00

Concluding Remarks

Organizing Committee

Paolo Davide Farah (West Virginia University, USA & gLAWcal - Global Law Initiatives for Sustainable Development,UK) - Convener ESIL Interest Group on International Environmental Law

Justo Corti Varela (UNED International Public Law Department, Madrid, Spain)Convener ESIL Interest Group on International Bio Law

Others ESIL IG Conveners

Daria S. Boklan (Higher School of Economics, Russia), Chamu Kuppuswamy (University of Herfordshire, UK) José Manuel Sánchez Patrón(University of Valencia, Spain) Martin Svec (Masaryk University, Czech Republic and gLAWcal – Global Law Initiatives for Sustainable Development, UK), Maria Isabel Torres Cazorla (University of Málaga, Spain), Josephine van Zeben (Oxford University, UK).

Publication opportunities

The organizers have publication plans for the presented papers. The precise format of publication will be discussed during the conference. There is already an established agreement to publish the results of this conference as an edited book (Justo Corti Varela & Paolo D. Farah eds.) in the Routledge Publishing (New-York/London) multidisciplinary gLAWcal book series on “Transnational Law and Governance
