The definition of when the anthropocene begins is often merely a philosophical debate, but holds some real implications based upon the outcome. As the chapter notes, there are often two different ideas of the anthropocene, the “good” and the “bad” anthropocene. Generally speaking, the bad is what the casual student of history would understand. This bad anthropocene began in the industrial age, and with it cascading change to the earth’s atmosphere, environment, and climate that has led to the human-caused anthropogenic climate change. To explore the less cited but still quite significant contributions from the good anthropocene is to understand when humans began to have the capacity to make an impact on the earth itself. This date is a bit more nebulous because it most definitely existed prior to written history, and the only understanding of prehistoric human activity has results from the inferences made by historians through artifacts recovered in modern times. In this the idea that the anthropocene began with the sociogenic era is founded. Simply, when humans as a species became sophisticated enough to interact on a large scale, they created systems and societies that have left a long-lasting impact on the earth itself, this is when the anthropocene began. It is understandable that historians may not always wish to related the impact of humankind is a straight-line discussion between the industrial era and the soon-to-be irreversible impact on the climate that has been experienced. However, it may be this sense of shame of noting that humans have been singularly important in making this negative change that there is real change that is possible as a result.