The chapter focuses on the legal and political concept of proportionality, and how the idea has migrated into international law and international organizational behaviors. The author does a proficient job of explaining the definition of proportionality, or in other words, the most appropriate responses to a given action. They are able to do this without delving too far into legal concepts that a reader with little understanding of the field would understand with reasoned haste. What was most interesting was the modern examples made of the increasing number of proportionality tenants that have crept into structures that would previously not have those in existence. Moreover, the author provides an interesting case that proportionality as a tenant at this level prevents proper accountability to the needs of the constituency and the individualized circumstances. While many times it is most palatable to provide a proportional response, it is often not the best or most appropriate response for an international organization to give. And yet, the author stops short of determining that, yes in fact proportionality has fully invested itself into international law. Instead they gives examples of how proportionality may have injected itself into the responses given in a variety of circumstances.