Spacecraft, called Sentinel-2a, was launched last June. The mission of the space craft (photos of Earth) is to supervise an urban grow and a situation after natural disaster (such as tsunamis or earthquakes). It may also control the performance of food crops. The camera sensor installed can detect specific wavelengths of light that detail the health of plants. It’s the second satellite scrutinize planet Earth. Europe funded an environmental project called Copernicus with six families of Sentinel satellites, proving information on land surface, oceans and atmosphere. The spacecraft already helped after Nepal heart quake disaster last month, proving its sensors are working. Right now is focusing on oceans and the atmosphere. The director of Earth observation at the European Space Agency (ESA) Volker Liebig said that “they have 13 spectral bands including four in the so-called 'red edge' where plants and chlorophyll reflect light - and this shows us what plants are doing”. So this project can help food agencies, such as World Food Programme, to monitor food growth all over the world. The data collected will help Europe enforce and make new policies for example on fishing quotas. The gLAWcal Team POREEN project Monday, 22 June 2015 (Source: BBC news)