Despite president Donald Trump’s announcement to withdraw from the Paris agreement, the US States, cities, and businesses have signed up an ‘America’s pledge’ to tackle climate change. This initiative delivers a strong message to the world: American society remains committed to its pledge under the Paris Agreement. States, cities, and businesses, representing more than half of the U.S. economy and population, have reiterated their support for the Paris Agreement, especially the more than 2,300 signatories to the “We Are Still In” declaration. According to M. Bloomberg, this group of American States, cities, and businesses committed to the Paris Agreement would make up the third largest economy in the world.
The America’s pledge seeks to catalyze climate action. This initiative aims at collecting and quantifying the actions of States, cities, businesses and other non-national actors towards the US’s Nationally Determined Contribution submitted under the Paris Agreement. Results achieved by non-national actors will be communicated to the international community and the UN.
The America’s Pledge Report, launched in Bonn, during the UN Climate Change Conference COP23, monitors the scope and scale of non-federal climate action in the United States, following the Trump administration’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement. The Report finds that a total of 20 U.S. states, 110 U.S. cities, and over 1,400 businesses representing USD $25 trillion in market capitalization voluntarily adopted carbon emissions reduction targets. “The American government may have pulled out of the Paris accord but the American people are still committed to its goals,” M. Bloomberg said.
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