An initiative has been launched by ASEAN, which aims to improve the environmental health of the seas in ASEAN region by implementing key International Maritime Organization (IMO) marine environment protection treaties. The decision makers of ASEAN countries kick start the “Marine Environment Protection for Southeast Asia Seas (MEPSEAS) Project”, which is implemented by the IMO, with funding from the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad). The advisory body for the MEPSEAS protect (2018-2021) is the ASEAN Maritime Transport Working Group (ASEAN MTWG), the highest regional policy maker that deals with maritime matters in ASEAN. 

 The core point of the MEPSEAS project is to enhance the capacity of ASEAN countries to implement a series of treaties, e.g. the Anti-Fouling Systems Convention; the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL); and the Ballast Water Management Convention. This project includes a number of strategic partners, e.g. Women in Maritime Asia, Partnerships in Envrionmental Management for the Seas of East Asia; the Tokyo MOU regional port State control organization. The MEPSEAS is said to provide an chance for ASEAN countries to address current marine environmental risks, support the sustainable growth of maritime sector, and ensure contributions toward a green economy. This project will be used to promote the legal and policy developments at the national level, and develop relevant capacities to support the enforcement of related treaties. Moreover, the project is also expected to support the Green Shipping-Green Port-Green Shipyards initiative of the Philippines, the specific port biological baseline survey training and the holding of a regional maritime technology conference. Before the MEPSEAS project, a previous IMO-Norad foundation project has made substantial progress in implementing IMO environmental treaties. The new MEPSEAS project will allow the effective implementation of relevant treaties. It shows the continued commitment of the ASEAN countries towards a sustainable system of maritime transport.
