Recent studies have argued that climate change may threaten Australians’ livelihoods, affecting the viability of communities and putting pressure on social stability. Experts have also warned that climate change represents achallenging issue for Australia, both publicly and scientifically important. Global warmingis significantly affecting human health. However, until now there has been a relatively small scientific contribution to address these impacts on health. In this way, people need to understand that the impacts that will flow from a small increase in the average temperature will be enormous, experts say. Related to that, the Australian Academy of Science has stressed the urgency to undertake concrete measures, hoping to influence policymakers and governments in order to face the impacts of climate change on public health. In this way, groups of experts have asked government to tackle the complex interactions between increasing extreme weather conditions and the impacts on health. The studies have shown that climate change has the potential to affect health directly through phenomena such as heatwaves and extreme weather, and indirectly through increases in the prevalence of certain diseases. Moreover, experts have analyzed the impacts of climate change on future food and water supplies, focusing on physical science issues as the transport of pathogens in water supplies and other important consequences of this situation as possible future conflicts for water. In this context, the World Bank have recognized that fights over water and food will probably represent the most significant direct impacts of climate change in the next five to ten years. In this framework, the recommendations are playing a central role influencing government ministers and senior bureaucrats about the urgency to reinforce and support researches in this challenging field. The gLAWcal Team The EPSEI project Saturday, 26 July 2014 (Source: The Guardian)