On July the World Intellectual Property Organization established new representative office in Beijing, achieving a crucial landmark in its cooperation with the People’s Republic of China. In 2008 China set a plan of action for national IP protection that boosted the already remarkable country’s progress made since its membership in the 80’s. This huge nation expects great benefits from WIPO direct presence in its territory; the government sees the office opening event as an international recognition for the tremendous IP development and feels there’s still room for improvement, increasing efforts and investments in sectors such as IPRs protection, research, training, personnel exchanges and international rule making. Today China has a vibrant participation in WIPO systems and activities: top-ranked in global trademark and patent applications, groundbreaking in software copyright and new plant varieties, it’s joining an increasing number of WIPO administered international treaties. According to Shen Changyu - commissioner of the State Intellectual Property Office - the nation is now facing a significant phase of substantial reforms in which IP development is one of the drawing powers to fulfill important goals. The WIPO representative office in Beijing will play a strategic role for international business. WIPO Director-General Francis Gurry has declared that among top priorities the office, beyond setting an international venue for dispute resolution, will provide support in the use of global filing systems for patents, trademarks and industrial design. In addition to these functions, it will certainly promote chinese prosperous market for local and global IP production and the hopes are that it will also allow a broader access to IP across the whole country, instead of few regions. The gLAWcal Team LIBEAC project Wednesday, 13 August 2014 (Source: China.org.cn) This news has been realized by gLAWcal—Global Law Initiatives for Sustainable Development in collaboration with the University Institute of European Studies (IUSE) in Turin, Italy and the University of Piemonte Orientale, Novara, Italy which are both beneficiaries of the European Union Research Executive Agency IRSES Project “Liberalism in Between Europe And China” (LIBEAC) coordinated by Aix-Marseille University (CEPERC). This work has been realized in the framework of Workpackages 4, coordinated by University Institute of European Studies (IUSE) in Turin, Italy.