In relation to the so-called geoengineering, an environmental philosopher has recently stressed the importance to tackle ethical issues in order to face global warming with concrete measures. In that way, some experts have shown that geoengineering has worsened problems for future generations. Geoengineering, also known as climate modification, has increasingly been under the spotlight especially about its moral and ethical consequences. Geoengineering methods include carbon dioxide removal to cut the levels of the greenhouse gas in the atmosphere storing it, for example, in trees, algae or underground. Another category, known as solar radiation management aims to reduce the amount of energy entering the Earth’s atmosphere from the sun for example by spraying sulphate particles into the stratosphere or whitening clouds. In this context, political inertia represents one of the most important factors that explain why the world had failed to address climate change and rising greenhouse gases. Experts suggest that governments need to take into account the severe costs of these policies for the future, and not only to establish measures to face climate impacts in the near term. In recent years, major scientific institutions and a growing group of researchers have started to consider geoengineering: in this framework, the ethical and moral questions should play a central role. Consequently, dealing with social and political issues represents an essential element in the realm of geoengineering. The gLAWcal Team EPSEI project Friday, 1 August 2014 (Source: The Guardian)