New study shows that the domestic sector is accountable for the highest emission of greenhouse gases in seven Indian cities. A recently issued research from the Centre for Ecological Sciences of the Indian Institute of Science revealed that the domestic sector is one of the highest contributing elements to the emission of hazardous gases in seven Indian cities: it is the main contributor in Chennai, Ahmedabad, Kolkata and Mumbai, and the second higher contributor – after the transport sector – in Delhi, Hyderabad and Bengaluru. The study’s alarming results are based on data gathered from 2009 to 2010, but the situation is now probably worsened due to the increase in electricity consumption over the last years. Researchers quantified greenhouse gas emissions after considering some sectors: electricity generation or consumption, domestic and commercial, transportation, industrial, agricultural, livestock and waste. Also, it resulted that the major sources of energy consumption in the domestic sector were electricity for lighting and household appliances and fuel for cooking. However, it is not only from the domestic sector that worrisome levels of hazardous gases emissions are reported, but also from the transport sector. Due to high transport emissions Delhi and Bengaluru have witnessed a rise in respiratory disorders, and this state will not improve until Indian cities are provided with good urban planning and transportation. India plays an important role in the total global emission of greenhouse gases, as it contributes more than 5%, and Delhi has the highest impact on this figure with 39 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions. The gLAWcal Team POREEN project Tuesday, 31 March 2015 (Source: Times of India)