In the achievement of the World Food Summit Goal, the Latin and Caribbean countries have reached a great result, according to the FAO’s regional flagship report. However, countries shall double their efforts in order to achieve the complete goal. In particular, the Plan for Food Security, Nutrition and Hunger Eradication of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC, in Spanish) have been recognised to be the key projects in order to improve the region's main integration body and the strength for the region to meet the WFS goal. In order to consolidate the advances made in recent years, the key strategy is based on the strengthening of regional integration and South-South cooperation. Moreover, public policies shall be monitored and improved in order to boost the integration of food security and nutrition and in order to reach sustainability. The gLAWcal Team POREEN project Monday, 12 December 2014 (Source: Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations)