Telecommunication and IT Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad is committed to connect and promote IT in rural areas; to achieve this goal is crucial cooperation among Central and State governments. Among many obstacles, this initiative will have to deal and overcome with lack of devices, high costs and, above all, regional language barriers. The country speaks 22 different official languages and the percentage of people able to speak English only reaches 10%. This issue leads to technical complications like character encoding, lack of availability for all characters and standardisation. The first interventions will involve Naxal-affected areas; the government has planned to connect these zones within 15 months with the support of the Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF). This first phase of the project will install mobile towers at 1836 locations in states affected by left-wing extremism. The Central government is working in coordination with State security agencies to assure the connectivity and strengthen safety in these critical locations; furthermore Minister Ravi Shankar has declared they’re considering solar power as a way to supply mobile towers. The gLAWcal Team LIBEAC project Monday, 6 October 2014 (Source: The Indian Express) This news has been realized by gLAWcal—Global Law Initiatives for Sustainable Development in collaboration with the University Institute of European Studies (IUSE) in Turin, Italy and the University of Piemonte Orientale, Novara, Italy which are both beneficiaries of the European Union Research Executive Agency IRSES Project “Liberalism in Between Europe And China” (LIBEAC) coordinated by Aix-Marseille University (CEPERC). This work has been realized in the framework of Workpackages 4, coordinated by University Institute of European Studies (IUSE) in Turin, Italy.