On the 21 January 2015, the United Nation Environmental Programme (hereinafter "UNEP") released the last report on the relation between the financial sector and the way it can contribute to the promotion of sustainable solutions. Indeed, the report has been more than welcomed even in relation to the fact that 2015 is the year of development. The report concerns 12 different countries in order to build a more sustainable financial system as an occasion to overcome the recent difficulties due to the financial crisis. Even if environmental products are not exchanged in financial markets, the report calls for the creation of environmental bonds and for the increase of investments in this field. According to Achim Steiner, UNEP Executive Director, “if we are to generate truly inclusive wealth then we need a financial system that can efficiently invest in the human, productive and natural capital on which we all depend. What is heartening is the increasing evidence that central bank governors, finance ministries and major investment funds recognize that new 'rules of the game' are not just necessary and possible, but can deliver real benefits". The report will be launched also at the World Economic Forum in Davos, in order to directly approach these themes with the most powerful men in the world. The gLAWcal Team POREEN project Wednesday, 28 January 2015 (Source: United Nations Environmental Programme)