Annabelle Jaeger took part into UN talks in Peru as a representative of the Committee of the Regions. The results of the negotiations in Lima are a step forward but are not enough, according to the Committee of the Regions. Indeed, the paper agreed, called “Lima Call for Climate Action” strongly commits rising economies and rich countries in order to fight climate change, but represents another missed opportunity with regard to the goal to stop temperature rising above 2°C. Annabelle Jager says: “We are relieved that some form of agreement was reached. It does pave the way for countries to set out how they will contribute and an agreement was reached on the basic criteria that can be deemed just about acceptable. Nevertheless, it can't be said that it has set the bar high in terms of ambition in tackling climate change and it is not nearly enough to stop temperatures rising above the danger mark of 2°C”. Again, another occasion lost for the fight against the raise of temperatures. The two other concerns of Ms. Jager are the lack of transparency with regard to the contribution of each countries in the enforcement of the “Lima Call for Climate Change Action” and the possibility for the local governments to be recognised as “governmental organization” in order to play a relevant role in the policy making process of the UN instead of being considered as simple “observers”. The gLAWcal Team EPSEI project Monday, 30 December 2014 (Source: CoR- Committee of the Regions)