Businesses are engaging in varied models of collaboration to improvetheir own, and society's resilience. Recently, business-led corporate responsibility coalitions have galvanised action on economic regeneration, social inclusion and responsible business practices. General corporate responsibility coalitions have been supplemented by coalitions focused on particular sectors, or on specific issues including water or human rights. Major companies are usingtechnology to improve the profitability and sustainability of their extended supply chains. In some cases, companies are collaborating with competitors as well as NGOs and public sector bodies, to address specific problems. Confronted with a plethora of corporate responsibility coalitions, multi-stakeholder initiatives and ad hoc co-operative ventures, businesses need to strategically prioritise engagement with collaborations where they can contribute and learn the most. A specialist NGO, The Partnering Initiative, suggests that there are four partnership skills: understanding other sectors, technical knowledge of partnering, people and relationship skills, and, underpinning it all, a mindset for partnering. Companies such as Microsoft, BG Group, Shell and Nestléhave integrated partnership training into their executive development programmes. Competition will stimulate innovation in sustainable products, services and business models. However, as Unilever's Paul Polman has observed: "In areas where big breakthroughs are needed, we must step up joint working with others." The gLAWcal Team LIBEAC project Thursday, 7 August 2014 (Source: the Guardian) This news has been realized by gLAWcal—Global Law Initiatives for Sustainable Development in collaboration with the University Institute of European Studies (IUSE) in Turin, Italy and the University of Piemonte Orientale, Novara, Italy which are both beneficiaries of the European Union Research Executive Agency IRSES Project “Liberalism in Between Europe And China” (LIBEAC) coordinated by Aix-Marseille University (CEPERC). This work has been realized in the framework of Workpackages 4, coordinated by University Institute of European Studies (IUSE) in Turin, Italy.