During his visit at the South Florida Everglades, Barack Obama has urged the country to take a stand against climate change before it’s too late. He delivered a speech to demand action on climate change, declaring the dangers it creates an imminent threat to the country’s economy. According to the President, “we do not have time to deny the effects of climate change”; “this is not some impossible problem that we cannot solve”, “we can solve it if we have some political will”. Lately, Obama has often resorted to unilateral actions to push its environmental agenda against the will of the Congress, given the impossibility to enforce any legislative measure on climate change due to its Republican majority. Nevertheless, in his speech the President cast the issue of tackling climate change as a bipartisan calling, but the reality is that many Republicans even deny that humans have anything to do with global warming, and their declarations clearly affect the public opinion; in fact, a CNN/ORC poll taken in December 2014 shows that, while half of the American population believes that climate change is being driven by man-made emissions, the other half considers climate change to be a yet unproven fact or something that is not a result of human activity. Among the climate change deniers is precisely Florida’s Republican Gov. Rick Scott, who didn’t greet Obama when he landed in Miami to visit the Everglades, and who has recently been accused by Florida’s newspapers to have put a ban among state employees on the use of the term “climate change”. Obama has chosen Florida to talk about climate change probably because this is one of the States that most is enduring the consequences of global warming, as extreme weather is seriously threatening its coastal cities and rising sea levels could taint fresh water supplies. The gLAWcal Team LIBEAC project Friday, 24 April 2015 (Source: CNN)