On 28 May 2018, OECD has released the 2018 edition of its report on Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development (PCSD), which discuss the ways through which coherent and integrated policies support by strong institutional mechanism can contribute to the theme of the UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPE). It review eight building blocks for enhancing PCSD, i.e. political commitment and leadership; policy integration; long-term planning horizons; analysis and assessments of potential policy effects; policy and institutional coordination; subnational and local involvement; stakeholder engagement; and monitoring and reporting. It also identifies emerging good institutional practices, country surveys and voluntary national review (VNRs). Enhancing policy coherence is one of the most difficult challenges to implement the SDGs. Chapter 1 is in relation to building coherent approaches to transformation. The PCSD lens are applied to identify the links between SDG6, SG7, SDG11, SDG12 and 15 SDGs. The challenges, synergies and trade-offs of these goal to be managed to ensure a effective and coherent implementation and policy reposes are explored. Chapter 2 applies the eight building blocks to identify good institutional practices of 20 OECD countries that presented VNRs. The report suggests that a specific time-bound action plan that includes all government policies and clear objectives helps the real action. Chapter 3 discusses institutional mechanism and practices used for enhancing SDGs of 19 countries. Chapter 4 states a framework for tracking progress on PCSD, which is composed of three elements, i.e. institutional mechanisms to ensure higher degrees of policy coherence, policy interactions to to examine sectoral policies in different domains in achieving a larger goal, and policy effects to consider the social, environmental and economic implications of policy on sustainable development. Chapter 5 emphases that although domestic agendas are important for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, collective action and policy coherence at multiple levels are necessary.