Swedish power generationfrom coal is now switching into biomass input like waste and residue from wood to leftover food and cow dung, to produce energy. Ulf Wikstroem, an environmental manager at Fortum, said: “We plan to have the whole plant running on biomass by 2030 at the latest.” The Fortum’s project of value 550million will generate enough heat to warm 30 percent of Stockholm’s 900,000 homes as well as meet as much as 8 percent of the city’s electricity consumption, according to data from Fortum and Statistics Sweden. Stockholm the Nordic’s area biggest metropolis wants to be fossil-fuel free by 2040, said Katarina Luhr, the vice mayor overseeing environmental issues. After have surpassed its 2020 European Union target of 49 percent renewable energy in 2012, Sweden is seeking to increase the rate to 57% by 2030. The movement is widening inside Nordic countries. In 2013, more than 6% of the Nordic region’s power was generated by burning biomass. It is possible to note the same at the European and also U.S level. The E.U. renewable energy target to 2020 is 20% from 14% in 2012. Obama’s government is trying to get 05 of its energy from renewable at the end of this year. China, the world’s biggest energy user, plans to generate 15 percent of its needs from non-fossil sources by 2020. The gLAWcal Team POREEN project Tuesday, 10 February 2015 (Source: Renewable Energy World.com)