The impasse in the negotiation for the implementation of the Trade Facilitation Agreement (hereinafter “TFA”) is now a serious reason of concern for the Director-General Roberto Azevedo’s.The WTO ‘s General Council meeting scheduled for the 10-11 December is going to be of crucial importance for the implementation of the FTA and all the remaining Doha issues. In particular, the conflict between the USA and India brought to a serious block, because New Delhi refused to go on with the implementation of the TFA due to the lack of progress in the field of another Bali core decision, concerning the development of a permanent solution to public food stockholding. The way this decision affects the global process of implementation of the core elements agreed in Bali is undeniable. Other members of the WTO started to explain their position in order to find out a solution to the impasse created which is even close to bring back the re-opening of the Bali package. If the actual situation does not permit a quick solution of the issue, a new scenario has been recently considered by some of the members of WTO: a plurilateral implementation of the FTA among those members willing to do it. However, first of all China and the EU are still tending to prefer a multilateral approach. Indeed, according to them is the only way to ensure a stronger and longer in time implementation of what agreed and in order to move further on the rest of the Doha Development Agenda. As a consequence, the next WTO’s General Council shall be of crucial importance in order to understand the further developments of the WTO itself. The gLAWcal Team LIBEAC team Friday, 6 November 2014 (Source: International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development)