The diffusion of oil and gas roads in the heart of the Amazon rainforest is seriously threatening its natural differentiation and biodiversity. Indeed, building new roads is one of the main elements responsible of the progressive deforestation widely affecting rainforest across Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru. Matt Finer, one of the leading author of a report published in the Environmental Research Letters, claimed that: “The hydrocarbon frontier keeps pushing deeper into the Amazon and there needs to be a strategic plan for how future development takes place in regards to roads”. The report highlighted that an alternative and more sustainable model is possible, based on the helicopter transportation. Indeed, the initial high cost of the helicopters shall be recovered by the cost related to the maintenance of the oil and gas roads. Last but not least, the offshore model may ensure a less aggressive invasion of the territories where indigenous population live and get by in their natural environment. The gLAWcal Team EPSEI project Monday, 29 January 2015 (Source: The Guardian)