UNESCO figures have shown that nearly 69 million new teachers must be recruited and trained in order to achieve the global universal primary and secondary education demand. According to these estimates, the ambition of Universal Education, outlined in the Sustainable Development Agenda, will need 24.4 million primary school teachers and 44.4 million secondary teachers to be recruited. Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia are the most affected areas for a lack of education. Indeed, in order to meet the sustainable development goal,Sub-Saharan Africa would need an additional 17 million teachers within the next 14 years, while South-Asia, which faces the second largest teacher shortage, would need an additional 15 million teachers. Giving children the possibility to go to school is the first step, but it will not be enough. A big issue concerns how to keep them at school and how to guarantee them a high level of teaching. “Without highly-trained teachers, children will go to school but they won’t have the skills to write, read or add up,”said UNICEF’s Deputy Executive Director, Justin Forsyth. In order to instruct other educators in a better and more efficient way, the Varkey’s Foundation delivered a project founded by Dubai Cares, which consisted in training teachers through interactive distance learning. “The original 40 connected schools allow us to reach 5,000 teachers from our studios in Accra, and the project can be expanded by installing the technology package in further schools,”said the Varkey’s foundation CEO, Vikas Pota. “Thanks to this,” he said, “training teachers costs less, and it allows to improve the training and professional development of teachers.” A high level of teaching is important, but it is not the only tool to guarantee that a child stays in school; other issues are strictly related with education, such as poverty or lack of appropriate toilets, which is one of the reasons why many girls stop attending schools. Summing up, there are a lot of issues, which must to be taken into account in order to meet the 2030 education targets set forth by the Universal Education goal. gLAWcal team LIBEAC project 5 October 2016 (source: The Guardian)