The International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labor Organization shape our current understanding of human rights. They include the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the international package on economic, social and cultural rights, and the international package on civil and political rights. In order to successfully enforce human rights, it is important that they are anchored at the international level. The events of the second World War led to them being given greater international attention. The aim was to prevent crimes like those of National Socialism in the future. In addition, the rights of refugees were to be strengthened. Thus, in 1945 the UNO declared its support for human rights in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. But even in our time, human rights are violated every day worldwide. In his chapter "Corporate human rights obligations under socio-economic rights" Jernej Letnar Černič provides an informative overview of international efforts to observe and secure human rights. He notes that, in addition to national regulations, international commitments are human rights and socio-economic rights obligations for companies provided on a second level. Nevertheless, human rights violations occur daily around the world, even in western industrialized nations. The democratic constitutional state known to us does not itself have absolute protection against human rights violations. However, the majority of violations of human and socio-economic rights occur, as it is generally known, in developing countries. Černič rightly notes how international human rights organizations ensure consideration on a horizontal level between private actors. Worldwide, however, there is a lack of opportunities for international enforcement of human and socio-economic rights. In Europe, the European Convention on Human Rights was adopted in 1950. At this level, a central court, the European Court of Human Rights, succeeds in enforcing human rights, even if only in the member states of the Council of Europe, across national borders. The judgments are binding for the countries and thus enable, for example, the forced adaptation of laws in the respective countries. A further measure in Europe is that only those countries can be members of the European Union who meet certain standards, also with regard to human rights and socio-economic rights. With regard to the Millennium Development Goals, there is a difference in development progress. Economic progress has been made particularly in those countries that have strengthened the enforcement of and respect for human rights and improved government structures. It is thus evident how the promotion of human rights can be linked to a country's development and how it can benefit significantly from it. Human rights form the basis for sustainable development. Accordingly, a concept for a global platform for the enforcement and protection of human rights should be developed and implemented internationally, following the example of the European Court of Human Rights. In the long term, the participating countries would have a significant growth potential and improve the quality of life of their citizens. A first step is the clarification and processing of the responsibility of companies in this context, as Černič has done in his chapter.