China currently uses a piecemeal system to cover the legal framework of product safety and civil liability for situations where products have caused real harm of consumers. While there is not one set of statutes that inform individuals on tort law in other nations, it seems especially pieced together in the Chinese case. There should be efforts to more readily define specific statutes that could provide better information to consumers that are effective and informative. In the United States, there is a number of consumer protection agencies at the federal level, as well as the more local levels of government. Generally these agencies are geographic-based or regulate a given area of the industry. A newer organization is the consumer financial protection board, installed after the financial crisis in the late 2000s. It is necessary in a consumer-led economy to have protections for consumers, allowing them to know that the government has their interest in mind. This consideration is not as great in China, which can inform observers why there might not be as robust of product safety programs present. Although with the increasing status of China as a nation of consumers, and not just a nation of producers, this may provide an opportunity for more and more rules and statutes that favor and define the tort liability of private companies when they harm consumers.