Technology transfer plays an essential role in the fight against climate change and it important to involve developing countries more in the negotiations.

Although recent studies have suggested that population growth will not be infinite, humanity will still face enormous population growth in the medium term. As the population grows, so does the demand for energy. Currently, the industrialized countries are responsible for a large part of the greenhouse gas emissions. However, with the increasing development and energy needs of the developing countries, their emissions will also rise sharply. This represents a major burden on the climate, which is why global efforts must be made to find a solution. An approach to this has been agreed upon at the 2010 climate conference. From 2020, developing countries are to be provided with financial resources from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) to promote investments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The developing countries are also calling for increased technology transfer in order to support the industrialized countries in their fight against climate change. In their article "Trade in clean energy technologies: sliding from protection to protectionism through obligations for technology transfer in climate change, or Vice Versa?” the authors have already concluded that technology transfer is a useful means of ensuring that every country in the world has access to appropriate means to combat climate change. Clean energy technologies can thus be used to mitigate the impact on the climate of countries' increasing industrialization. Countries that are still developing can already benefit from the progress of climate-friendly technology and implement it in their countries. This can be seen as an opportunity to help developing countries achieve sustainable development. The structure of the UNFCCC, for example, is interesting in this context, according to which the developing countries only have to meet their obligations to the same extent as the industrialized countries do. Nevertheless, there is a lack of concrete action commitments for the states. In the context of technology transfer, however, it is important to protect intellectual property. Accordingly, mechanisms must be established to strengthen companies' willingness to cooperate. The authors showed how important the right to intellectual property is for the industrialized nations, since by its very nature information is easy to obtain. This is especially true since no one wants to invest the resources to develop innovative technologies if what is obtained is not protected afterwards. Companies repeatedly stress that the protection of intellectual property is an important prerequisite for technology transfer. It gets exciting when you look at the other side. Developing countries often believe that intellectual property rights often impede technology transfer and do not contribute to it. The problem here is that patents are often held by a few large corporations and their influence is correspondingly great. However, intellectual property has not yet been clarified quite so clearly. However, the situation calls for the creation of an international legal framework that leaves enough leeway for countries to adapt to it without great difficulty in order to keep access as easy as possible. It is clear that technology transfer plays an essential role in the fight against climate change, even if it is unlikely to win the battle alone. In this context, the authors consider it important to involve developing countries more in the negotiations.