This chapter focuses on the exploration of Holographic Governance. The authors noted that this system is essentially the Venn diagram overlapping between the existence of One and one as effectively the same entity. The chapter also embarks upon comparing the existence of holographic governance in other areas of academic study including physics, political science, and even some theistic practices including Hinduism. The well recognized yin/yang symbol, T’ai-chi T’u is an effective symbol of holographic governance in that, again, the One who is the inspirational figure of the theory is the same as the one, the individual participant in the society. Like all other investigations of the governance structures presented within the text, the holographic governance structure provided ethical concepts that are borrowed from other previously understood concepts. However, for this particular structure, the ethical theory was resonate to a high degree as it utilized the universal Golden Rule of: Do unto others as you would have done to yourself”. The political, social, and complementary theories are also investigated, but the ethical theory rings true in both its simplicity and its effectiveness in drawing the reader in, no matter what their background may be. The administrative theory of this structure is also easily recognized as a Marxist view of collective action and distribution of goods. However, the chapter does good to effectively penetrate and walk through the modern hang-ups of such a systems of governance an instead focuses on the parallels in thinking that these two schools of thought have.