This book explores explore the realities of a radically improved system for governance, the way by which governing happens and who gets to make the decisions. This chapter, the second in the book aims to explain both the “why?” and “why now?” for such a radial approach. The authors are able to explain both the historical and modern circumstances that global governance finds itself in, and why it is ripe for a radical change. The chapter touches on the social, economic, and environmental crises that modern society experience. While the exact circumstances are different in each case, the overall theme for which is that the current way by which governance of these arenas are concerned has failed, and in some occasions, spectacularly. Another aspect of the chapter that is notable is the exploration of the question of sovereignty and how that is distinct from the question of governance at large and even more distinct from the crisis of participation that occurs in democratic society. Just even recognizing that there is in fact a problem may be inherently difficult for the individual sovereign citizen. Yet, if there is a great enough recognition that change must occur, then the radical approach that is prescribed throughout the rest of this book may not seem so radical.